Quicktime player for mac 10.10
Quicktime player for mac 10.10

quicktime player for mac 10.10 quicktime player for mac 10.10

The file does not exist or is not valid.Ģ:29:59 PM .prefs.PreferencesWriter encodeAndSave INFO: Could not load the keyboard shortcut preferences file. WARNING: Preferences file does not exist: /Users/pawnee/Library/Preferences/ELAN/shortcuts.pfsxĢ:29:18 PM .commands.ShortcutsUtil readCurrentShortcuts INFO: Reading preferences: /Users/pawnee/Library/Preferences/ELAN/elan.pfsxĢ:29:18 PM .prefs.PreferencesReader parse INFO: Classpath: lib/elan-4.9.1.jar:lib/sunjce_provider.jar:lib/Ģ:29:17 PM .prefs.PreferencesReader parse INFO: User dir: /Users/pawnee/Desktop/ELAN_4.9.1-b INFO: Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home I greatly appreciate any help you can give me! Here is the log:Ģ:29:17 PM .ELAN LaunchedĢ:29:17 PM .ELAN main These MP4s run fine in QuickTime outside of ELAN. I have tried going into ELAN’s preferences: Platform/OS: Media Framework and changing it from Cocoa QT to QuickTime for Java with no change in the error code.

Quicktime player for mac 10.10 update#

I am running the current ELAN (4.9.1-b) on Mac Yosemite (10.10.5) with the latest Java (Version 8 Update 66, build 1.8.0_66-b17). I’m wrapping up my masters thesis and am in a bit of a panic as none of my gazillion files are operational now. I have been using ELAN for 5 years and now my files will not open without a “No player could be created for…Cocoa QT player can not handle file…Quicktime/QTException” error. I’ve read the forums, but do not see where this has been fixed.

Quicktime player for mac 10.10